Sunday, February 21, 2010

Next Chapter: Value of Relationship

That walk changed a lot in Laksh's life. Every child desires to be friend of it's father. The bond that develops before birth has ultimate goal to eternal friendship. Yes, Laksh instantaneously understood the change. In the evening, when he met Mohan, he confided in him that his father shares everything with him. Mohan immediately became sad and said, "You are so lucky. I too want to become my father's friend"

Strange though, most kids are good friends of their mothers for mothers naturally know how to grow friendship with kids. Fathers normally struggle.

Laksh had many good friends. Virendra, Mohan, Anurag, Rachna, Surendra, Anand and Somesh. Somesh was most unique and different. He never had any view on anything. He would patiently listen and agree. Ideal to be a good friend. He would never argue and would show admiration for smallest achievements of any friend.

Somesh’s mother was very kind and affectionate.

Somesh and Laksh would spend lot of time together each day talking, watching movies, cycling and of course gossiping. Somesh did not know how to swim. He wanted to. So we would often go to nearby pond and I would teach him for hours. In few days he became confident.

One day, while I was busy finishing home work, Virendra came rushing. “Laksh Somesh drowned in nearby pond. He swam twice full length of pond and just sank in third one.” We rushed to the pond. Divers were trying to recover body. I was numb. I was hoping that he was still alive. I was hoping for miracle.

Body was brought up after three hours. All of us were inconsolable. We were sobbing. We were confused. I had a question in my mind. Why did God not save him. He was so innocent, so nice and so pure. Why did he die?

We stayed awake whole night along his dead body. No one was talking, yet the noise of unsaid was deafening. Everyone was quietly questioning God. Everyone was crying loudly in heart.

I did feel guilty. Why did I teach him swimming? There was overwhelming feeling of somehow get him back to life. Will chanting mantra taught by mother would help?

Next morning, funeral rituals commenced. The body was bathed and wrapped in new clothes. We all walked to the holy place with the body and consigned the body to flames. All this while, my father was with us, from pond to funeral. He held our hands and occasionally wiped tears from our faces. He too loved Somesh. However, I could not see any trace of sadness in him. He was quiet and served tea and coffee to all. Every time, I looked at him, he was kind of comforting through a smile like gesture. We never talked about Somesh. Initially, I visited his home. His mother would hold my hand and cry. It was painful. I could not take it anymore and stopped visiting her.

Several years later, one day, when I visited my parents during holidays, my father said,”Let us go to Somesh’s house. His mother wants to see you.” I reluctantly accompanied him. She greeted me with an affectionate smile and said,”My one son died and other deserted me.” She laughed and continued, “You know Laksh, your father comes here everyday. We talk about you and Somesh. He told me that you are deeply hurt and stopped visiting us to avoid his memories.”

I looked at my father. He too was smiling. I asked, ”Do you visit her every day?”

He took a pause and said, “Yes. One of us had to.”


  1. Must be extremely traumatic incident for you at that age, very tragic, life is like that only

  2. Thank you. It is important to write. It is creative. Your support is enormous. Comments are reward! :)


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