Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Chapter: Joy of Relationship

Laksh and his father returned back. He was not able to sleep. Felt miserable. He failed the very first lesson his father gave. “Highest Meanness” of erasing memories of a dear friend who died. His father’s words echoed loudly in his mind. I did let down my father. He did imagine himself in his father’s role. How did he feel about his son? A mean, selfish person. All accomplishments academic excellence, great career and wealth he created, appeared very small against this meanness.

Next morning he got up early. His father was sipping a cup of tea in the lawn. He went to him and said, ”Dad, let us go for a walk”. His father looked at him. Same gracious smile, he nodded and said, “Would you not have breakfast”. He insisted. Both started walking towards pond. His father was as always brisk. He was lagging behind. He desperately wanted to hold his dad’s hand, like he always did as a child. His adult ego stopped him.

His father suddenly stopped and caught his hand. He started walking again, pulling him along. He, first time in his life realized value of confession. We confess because it removes the guilt. It is very selfish way of relieving yourself from all wrong doings. He had no courage to confess about his meanness. However, ‘unsaid’ confession began moment his father touched his hand. There was a sense of relief. A sense that he might be forgiven.

They reached the pond and sat down there. After a brief silence, his father said,”Laksh, like any good father, I too want to you to be successful. Probably rich and famous. However, I feel it is more important to be a good human being. A man filled with lots of love. Someone who can be very reassuring. Someone who can heal others through his love and passion.” Laksh was not able to respond. He just nodded. He was trying to concentrate. He wanted to know how his father felt during seven long years when he visited Somesh’s house and probably felt Laksh should have.

“What should we do if a relation has to end because the person is not good”, He asked his father. “Relationships do end sometime because of misunderstanding”, his father said. “The very fact that a relationship began means that there was a good reason for that. However, incompatibility, dishonesty and at times selfishness can cause relationships to break. It is important that we should not be bitter or critical of the person, we had relation with. We must objectively evaluate and try to conserve. Even if it breaks, the memories should be cherished. In case same person needs your help at later stage, you should. Important is not how others behave, but, how we behave. It is about us being selfless and nice.”

This was the second lesson. Laksh knew that he could not fail his father again.


  1. Agree, relationships do break up due to various reasons like misunderstanding, incompatibility, dishonesty, selfishness, jealousy etc.
    Relationships are also somewhat like our biosphere and can be destroyed due to rapid change of environment including social, geographical, political and economic. Relationships also need preservation and nurturing like delicate plants in a greenhouse
    Famous example of breakdown of relationships is between Ambani brothers; reasons are well known and need not be elaborated here
    I feel the breakdown in communications and physical proximity due to any reason be it laziness or busyness can erode any relationship over a period of time. The axiom, ‘out of sight is out of mind’ holds true

  2. Thanks. I have not yet hit wall. I would write some more chapters soon.


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